There are five categories of stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in which individuals are honored. These categories are Motion Pictures, Television, Recording, Radio and Live Theater, which later was renamed to Live Performance. There is only ONE person to have all FIVE stars… one for each category and is a Legend in Hollywood. If you don’t know who that is, here are some hints to help you guess who this person is.
First, it is a male. A talented actor starred in 100 films. As a singer he recorded 600 records including 3 everyone knows, one of which he also wrote, so he is also a songwriter. Got his name yet? No? Well here are more hints. He was a pilot in World War II, a television host and was an entertainment executive owning several radio and television stations. Still pondering the answer? Here are the last hints. He owned the Anaheim Dodgers Baseball team and founded the wonderful Western Heritage Museum in Griffith Park in Los Angeles. His theme song was “Back in the Saddle Again.”
Gene Autry

The best way to see all of Gene’s stars along Hollywood Boulevard and to hear about Gene’s accomplishments is to use the Legendary Hollywood SelfTour™ App. Without this app, on your own it is hard to find Gene Autry’s stars, and many of your favorites, among the more than 2500 stars on the Walk of Fame. By the way, Gene Autry’s songs that became hits that everyone still knows are Frosty the Snowman, Here Comes Santa Claus, which he also wrote, and his biggest hit Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.
For more information check out our Legendary Hollywood tour page.